Source code for scarplet.core

# -*- coding: utf-8
""" Functions for determining best-fit template parameters by convolution with
a grid """

import numexpr
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pyfftw
from pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft import fft2, ifft2, fftshift

from functools import partial

from scarplet import WindowedTemplate
from scarplet.dem import DEMGrid

np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')


[docs]def calculate_amplitude(dem, Template, scale, age, angle): """Calculate amplitude and SNR of features using a template Parameters ---------- dem : DEMGrid Grid object of elevation data Template : WindowedTemplate Class representing template function scale : float Scale of template function in DEM cell units age : float Age parameter for template function angle : float Orientation of template in radians Returns ------- amp : np.array 2-D array of amplitudes for each DEM pixel snr : np.array 2-D array of signal-to-noise ratios for each DEM pixel """ ny, nx = dem._griddata.shape de = dem._georef_info.dx t = Template(scale, age, angle, nx, ny, de) template = t.template() curv = dem._calculate_directional_laplacian(angle) amp, age, angle, snr = match_template(curv, template) mask = t.get_window_limits() amp[mask] = 0 snr[mask] = 0 return amp, snr
[docs]def calculate_best_fit_parameters_serial(dem, Template, scale, ang_max=np.pi / 2, ang_min=-np.pi / 2, **kwargs): """Calculate best-fitting parameters using a template Parameters ---------- dem : DEMGrid Grid object of elevation data Template : WindowedTemplate Class representing template function scale : float Scale of template function in DEM cell units Other Parameters ---------------- ang_max : float, optional Maximum orietnation of template, default pi / 2 ang_min : float, optional Minimum orietnation of template, default -pi / 2 kwargs : optional Any additional keyword arguments that may be passed to the template() method of the Template class Returns ------- best_amp : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting amplitudes for each DEM pixel best_age : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting agees for each DEM pixel best_angle : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting orientations for each DEM pixel best_snr : np.array 2-D array of maximum signal-to-noise ratios for each DEM pixel """ ang_stepsize = 1 num_angles = int((180 / np.pi) * (ang_max - ang_min) / ang_stepsize + 1) orientations = np.linspace(ang_min, ang_max, num_angles) ages = 10 ** np.arange(0, 3.5, 0.1) ny, nx = dem._griddata.shape best_amp = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_angle = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_age = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_snr = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for this_angle in orientations: for this_age in ages: this_amp, this_age, this_angle, this_snr = match_template(dem, Template, scale, this_age, this_angle, **kwargs) best_amp = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_amp + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_amp") best_angle = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_angle + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_angle") best_age = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_age + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_age") best_snr = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_snr + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_snr") return best_amp, best_age, best_angle, best_snr
[docs]def calculate_best_fit_parameters(dem, Template, scale, age, ang_max=np.pi / 2, ang_min=-np.pi / 2, **kwargs): """Calculate best-fitting parameters using a template with parallel search Parameters ---------- dem : DEMGrid Grid object of elevation data Template : WindowedTemplate Class representing template function scale : float Scale of template function in DEM cell units age : float Age parameter for template function Other Parameters ---------------- ang_max : float, optional Maximum orietnation of template, default pi / 2 ang_min : float, optional Minimum orietnation of template, default -pi / 2 Returns ------- results : np.array Array of best amplitudes, ages, orientations, and signal-to-noise ratios for each DEM pixel. Dimensions of (4, height, width). """ ang_stepsize = 1 num_angles = int((180 / np.pi) * (ang_max - ang_min) / ang_stepsize + 1) orientations = np.linspace(ang_min, ang_max, num_angles) orientations = (angle for angle in orientations) ny, nx = dem._griddata.shape nprocs = mp.cpu_count() pool = mp.Pool(processes=nprocs) wrapper = partial(match_template, dem, Template, scale, age) results = pool.imap(wrapper, orientations, chunksize=1) best_amp, best_age, best_angle, best_snr = compare(results, ny, nx) pool.close() pool.join() results = np.stack([best_amp, best_age, best_angle, best_snr]) return results
[docs]def compare(results, ny, nx): """Compare template matching results from asynchronous tasks Parameters ---------- results : iterable Iterable containing outputs of a template matching method ny : int Number of rows in output nx : int Number of columns in output Returns ------- best_amp : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting amplitudes best_age : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting morphologic ages best_angle : np.array 2-D array of best-fitting orientations best_snr : np.array 2-D array of maximum signal-to-noise ratios """ best_amp = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_age = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_angle = np.zeros((ny, nx)) best_snr = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for r in results: this_amp, this_age, this_angle, this_snr = r best_amp = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_amp + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_amp") best_age = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_age + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_age") best_angle = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_angle + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_angle") best_snr = numexpr.evaluate("(best_snr > this_snr)*best_snr + \ (best_snr < this_snr)*this_snr") del this_amp, this_snr, r return best_amp, best_age, best_angle, best_snr
[docs]def load(filename): """Load DEM from file Parameters ---------- filename : string Filename of DEM Returns ------- data_obj : DEMGrid DEMGrid object with DEM data """ data_obj = DEMGrid(filename) data_obj._fill_nodata() return data_obj
[docs]def match(data, Template, **kwargs): """Match template to input data from DEM Parameters ---------- data : DEMGrid DEMGrid object containing input data Template : WindowedTemplate Class of template function to use Returns ------- results : np.array Array of best amplitudes, ages, orientations, and signal-to-noise ratios for each DEM pixel. Dimensions of (4, height, width). """ if 'age' in kwargs: results = calculate_best_fit_parameters(data, Template, **kwargs) else: ages = 10 ** np.arange(0, 3.5, 0.1) ny, nx = data._griddata.shape results = [calculate_best_fit_parameters(data, Template, age=age, **kwargs) for age in ages] results = compare(results, ny, nx) return results
[docs]def match_template(data, Template, scale, age, angle, **kwargs): """Match template function to curvature using convolution Parameters ---------- data : DEMGrid Grid object of elevation data Template : WindowedTemplate Class representing template function scale : float Scale of template function in DEM cell units age : float Age parameter for template function angle : float Orientation of template in radians Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs : optional Any additional keyword arguments that may be passed to the template() method of the Template class Returns ------- amp : np.array 2-D array of amplitudes for each DEM pixel age : np.array template age in m2 angle : np.array template orientation in radians snr : np.array 2-D array of signal-to-noise ratios for each DEM pixel References ---------- Modifies method described in Hilley, G.E., DeLong, S., Prentice, C., Blisniuk, K. and Arrowsmith, J.R., 2010. Morphologic dating of fault scarps using airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM) data. Geophysical Research Letters, 37(4). """ eps = np.spacing(1) curv = data._calculate_directional_laplacian(angle) ny, nx = curv.shape de = data._georef_info.dx template_obj = Template(scale, age, angle, nx, ny, de, **kwargs) template = template_obj.template() M = numexpr.evaluate("template != 0") fm2 = fft2(M) n = np.sum(M) + eps del M fc = fft2(curv) ft = fft2(template) fc2 = fft2(numexpr.evaluate("curv**2")) template_sum = np.sum(numexpr.evaluate("template**2")) del curv, template xcorr = np.real(fftshift(ifft2(numexpr.evaluate("ft*fc")))) amp = numexpr.evaluate("xcorr/template_sum") T1 = numexpr.evaluate("template_sum*(amp**2)") T3 = fftshift(ifft2(numexpr.evaluate("fc2*fm2"))) # XXX: Epsilon factor is added to avoid small-magnitude dvision error = (1/n)*numexpr.evaluate("real(T1 - 2*amp*xcorr + T3)") + eps snr = numexpr.evaluate("abs(T1/error)") if hasattr(template_obj, 'get_err_mask'): mask = template_obj.get_err_mask() snr[mask] = 0 mask = template_obj.get_window_limits() amp[mask] = 0 snr[mask] = 0 return amp, age, angle, snr
[docs]def plot_results(data, results, az=315, elev=45, figsize=(4, 16)): """Plots maps of results from template matching Parameters ---------- data : DEMGrid DEMGrid object containing input data results : np.array Array of best-fitting results from compare() or similar function Optional Parameters ------------------- az : float Azimuth of light source for hillshade elev : float Elevation angle of light source for hillshade figsize : tuple Figure size """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=figsize) ax = ax.ravel() ls = matplotlib.colors.LightSource(azdeg=az, altdeg=elev) hillshade = ls.hillshade(data._griddata, vert_exag=1, dx=data._georef_info.dx, dy=data._georef_info.dy) labels = ['Amplitude [m]', 'Relative age [m$^2$]', 'Orientation [deg.]', 'Signal-to-noise ratio'] cmaps = ['Reds', 'viridis', 'RdBu_r', 'Reds'] for i, val in enumerate(zip(ax, labels, cmaps)): axis, label, cmap = val axis.imshow(hillshade, alpha=1, cmap='gray') im = axis.imshow(results[i], alpha=0.5, cmap=cmap) cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=axis, shrink=0.5, orientation='horizontal', label=label) ticks = matplotlib.ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=3) cb.locater = ticks cb.update_ticks()