Source code for scarplet.dem

# -*- coding: utf-8
""" Classes for loading digital elevation models as numeric grids """

import numexpr
import numpy as np
import os
import subprocess
import sys

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from copy import copy
from osgeo import gdal, gdalconst

from rasterio.fill import fillnodata

from scarplet.utils import BoundingBox


FLOAT32_MIN = np.finfo(np.float32).min

[docs]class CalculationMixin(object): """Mix-in class for grid calculations""" def __init__(self): pass def _calculate_slope(self): """Calculate gradient of grid in x and y directions. Pads boundary so as to return slope grids of same size as object's grid data Returns ------- slope_x : numpy array slope in x direction slope_y : numpy array slope in y direction """ dx = self._georef_info.dx dy = self._georef_info.dy PAD_DX = 2 PAD_DY = 2 self._pad_boundary(PAD_DX, PAD_DY) z_pad = self._griddata slope_x = (z_pad[1:-1, 2:] - z_pad[1:-1, :-2]) / (2 * dx) slope_y = (z_pad[2:, 1:-1] - z_pad[:-2, 1:-1]) / (2 * dy) return slope_x, slope_y def _calculate_laplacian(self): """Calculate curvature of grid in y direction. """ return self._calculate_directional_laplacian(0) def _calculate_directional_laplacian(self, alpha): """Calculate curvature of grid in arbitrary direction. Parameters ---------- alpha : float direction angle (azimuth) in radians. 0 is north or y-axis. Returns ------- del2s : numpy array grid of curvature values """ dx = self._georef_info.dx dy = self._georef_info.dy z = self._griddata nan_idx = np.isnan(z) z[nan_idx] = 0 dz_dx = np.diff(z, 1, 1)/dx d2z_dxdy = np.diff(dz_dx, 1, 0)/dx pad_x = np.zeros((d2z_dxdy.shape[0], 1)) d2z_dxdy = np.hstack([pad_x, d2z_dxdy]) pad_y = np.zeros((1, d2z_dxdy.shape[1])) d2z_dxdy = np.vstack([pad_y, d2z_dxdy]) d2z_dx2 = np.diff(z, 2, 1)/dx**2 pad_x = np.zeros((d2z_dx2.shape[0], 1)) d2z_dx2 = np.hstack([pad_x, d2z_dx2, pad_x]) d2z_dy2 = np.diff(z, 2, 0)/dy**2 pad_y = np.zeros((1, d2z_dy2.shape[1])) d2z_dy2 = np.vstack([pad_y, d2z_dy2, pad_y]) del2z = d2z_dx2 * np.cos(alpha) ** 2 - 2 * d2z_dxdy * np.sin(alpha) \ * np.cos(alpha) + d2z_dy2 * np.sin(alpha) ** 2 del2z[nan_idx] = np.nan return del2z def _calculate_directional_laplacian_numexpr(self, alpha): """Calculate curvature of grid in arbitrary direction. Optimized with numexpr expressions. Parameters ---------- alpha : float direction angle (azimuth) in radians. 0 is north or y-axis. Returns ------- del2s : numpyarray grid of curvature values """ dx = self._georef_info.dx dy = self._georef_info.dy z = self._griddata nan_idx = np.isnan(z) z[nan_idx] = 0 dz_dx = np.diff(z, 1, 1)/dx d2z_dxdy = np.diff(dz_dx, 1, 0)/dx pad_x = np.zeros((d2z_dxdy.shape[0], 1)) d2z_dxdy = np.hstack([pad_x, d2z_dxdy]) pad_y = np.zeros((1, d2z_dxdy.shape[1])) d2z_dxdy = np.vstack([pad_y, d2z_dxdy]) d2z_dx2 = np.diff(z, 2, 1)/dx**2 pad_x = np.zeros((d2z_dx2.shape[0], 1)) d2z_dx2 = np.hstack([pad_x, d2z_dx2, pad_x]) d2z_dy2 = np.diff(z, 2, 0)/dy**2 pad_y = np.zeros((1, d2z_dy2.shape[1])) d2z_dy2 = np.vstack([pad_y, d2z_dy2, pad_y]) del2z = numexpr.evaluate("d2z_dx2*cos(alpha)**2 - \ 2*d2z_dxdy*sin(alpha)*cos(alpha) + d2z_dy2*sin(alpha)**2") del2z[nan_idx] = np.nan return del2z def _estimate_curvature_noiselevel(self): """Estimate noise level in curvature of grid as a function of direction. Returns ------- angles : numpy array array of orientations (azimuths) in radians mean : float array of mean curvature in correponding direction sd : float array of curvature standard deviation in correponding direction """ from scipy import ndimage angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi, num=180) mean = [] sd = [] for alpha in angles: del2z = self._calculate_directional_laplacian(alpha) lowpass = ndimage.gaussian_filter(del2z, 100) highpass = del2z - lowpass mean.append(np.nanmean(highpass)) sd.append(np.nanstd(highpass)) return angles, mean, sd def _pad_boundary(self, dx, dy): """Pad grid boundary with reflected boundary conditions. """ self._griddata = np.pad(self._griddata, pad_width=(dy, dx), mode='reflect') self.padded = True self.pad_dx = dx self.pad_dy = dy ny, nx = self._griddata.shape self._georef_info.nx = nx self._georef_info.ny = ny self._georef_info.xllcenter -= dx self._georef_info.yllcenter -= dy
[docs]class GDALMixin(object): pass
[docs]class GeorefInfo(object): def __init__(self): self.geo_transform = None self.projection = None self.xllcenter = None self.yllcenter = None self.dx = None self.dy = None self.nx = None self.ny = None self.ulx = None self.uly = None self.lrx = None self.lry = None
[docs]class BaseSpatialGrid(GDALMixin): """Base class for spatial grid""" dtype = gdalconst.GDT_Float32 def __init__(self, filename=None): _georef_info = GeorefInfo() if filename is not None: self._georef_info = _georef_info self.load(filename) self.filename = filename else: self.filename = None self._georef_info = _georef_info self._griddata = np.empty((0, 0))
[docs] def is_contiguous(self, grid): """Returns true if grids are contiguous or overlap Parameters ---------- grid : BaseSpatialGrid """ return self.bbox.intersects(grid.bbox)
[docs] def merge(self, grid): """Merge this grid with another BaseSpatialGrid. Wrapper argound Parameters ---------- grid : BaseSpatialGrid Returns ------- merged_grid : BaseSpatialGrid """ if not self.is_contiguous(grid): raise ValueError("ValueError: Grids are not contiguous") # XXX: this is hacky, eventually implement as native GDAL try: command = ['', self.filename, grid.filename] subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("Failed to merge grids. gdal_merge may not be installed.") raise e merged_grid = BaseSpatialGrid('out.tif') merged_grid._griddata[merged_grid._griddata == FLOAT32_MIN] = np.nan os.remove('out.tif') return merged_grid
[docs] def plot(self, **kwargs): """Plot grid data Keyword args: Any valid keyword argument for matplotlib.pyplot.imshow """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.imshow(self._griddata, **kwargs)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save grid as georeferenced TIFF """ ncols = self._georef_info.nx nrows = self._georef_info.ny driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(GDAL_DRIVER_NAME) out_raster = driver.Create(filename, ncols, nrows, 1, self.dtype) out_raster.SetGeoTransform(self._georef_info.geo_transform) out_band = out_raster.GetRasterBand(1) out_band.WriteArray(self._griddata) proj = self._georef_info.projection.ExportToWkt() out_raster.SetProjection(proj) out_band.FlushCache()
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load grid from file """ self.label = filename.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] gdal_dataset = gdal.Open(filename) band = gdal_dataset.GetRasterBand(1) nodata = band.GetNoDataValue() self._griddata = band.ReadAsArray().astype(float) if nodata is not None: nodata_index = np.where(self._griddata == nodata) if self.dtype is not np.uint8: self._griddata[nodata_index] = np.nan geo_transform = gdal_dataset.GetGeoTransform() projection = gdal_dataset.GetProjection() nx = gdal_dataset.RasterXSize ny = gdal_dataset.RasterYSize self._georef_info.geo_transform = geo_transform self._georef_info.projection = projection self._georef_info.dx = self._georef_info.geo_transform[1] self._georef_info.dy = self._georef_info.geo_transform[5] self._georef_info.nx = nx self._georef_info.ny = ny self._georef_info.xllcenter = self._georef_info.geo_transform[0] \ + self._georef_info.dx self._georef_info.yllcenter = self._georef_info.geo_transform[3] \ - (self._georef_info.ny+1) \ * np.abs(self._georef_info.dy) self._georef_info.ulx = self._georef_info.geo_transform[0] self._georef_info.uly = self._georef_info.geo_transform[3] self._georef_info.lrx = self._georef_info.geo_transform[0] \ + self._georef_info.dx * self._georef_info.nx self._georef_info.lry = self._georef_info.geo_transform[3] \ + self._georef_info.dy * self._georef_info.ny self.bbox = BoundingBox((self._georef_info.lrx, self._georef_info.lry), (self._georef_info.ulx, self._georef_info.uly))
[docs]class DEMGrid(CalculationMixin, BaseSpatialGrid): """Class representing grid of elevation values""" def __init__(self, filename=None): _georef_info = GeorefInfo() if filename is not None: self._georef_info = _georef_info self.load(filename) self._griddata[self._griddata == FLOAT32_MIN] = np.nan self.nodata_value = np.nan self.filename = filename self.shape = self._griddata.shape self.is_interpolated = False else: self.filename = None self.label = '' self.shape = (0, 0) self._georef_info = _georef_info self._griddata = np.empty((0, 0)) self.is_interpolated = False
[docs] def plot(self, color=True, **kwargs): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, **kwargs) hs = Hillshade(self) hs.plot() if color: im = ax.imshow(self._griddata, alpha=0.75, cmap='terrain') plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, shrink=0.75, label='Elevation') ax.tick_params(direction='in') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y')
def _fill_nodata(self): """Fill nodata values in elevation grid by interpolation. Wrapper around GDAL/rasterio's FillNoData, fillnodata methods """ if ~np.isnan(self.nodata_value): nodata_mask = self._griddata == self.nodata_value else: nodata_mask = np.isnan(self._griddata) self.nodata_mask = nodata_mask # XXX: GDAL (or rasterio) FillNoData takes mask with 0s at nodata num_nodata = np.sum(nodata_mask) prev_nodata = np.nan while num_nodata > 0 or num_nodata == prev_nodata: mask = np.isnan(self._griddata) col_nodata = np.sum(mask, axis=0).max() row_nodata = np.sum(mask, axis=1).max() dist = max(row_nodata, col_nodata) / 2 self._griddata = fillnodata(self._griddata, mask=~mask, max_search_distance=dist) prev_nodata = copy(num_nodata) num_nodata = np.sum(np.isnan(self._griddata)) self.is_interpolated = True def _fill_nodata_with_edge_values(self): """Fill nodata values using swath edge values by row,""" if ~np.isnan(self.nodata_value): nodata_mask = self._griddata == self.nodata_value else: nodata_mask = np.isnan(self._griddata) self.nodata_mask = nodata_mask for row in self._griddata: idx = np.where(np.isnan(row)).min() fill_value = row[idx] row[np.isnan(row)] = fill_value self.is_interpolated = True
[docs]class Hillshade(BaseSpatialGrid): """Class representing hillshade of DEM""" def __init__(self, dem): """Load DEMGrid object as Hillshade """ self._georef_info = dem._georef_info self._griddata = dem._griddata self._hillshade = None
[docs] def plot(self, az=315, elev=45): """Plot hillshade Paramaters ---------- az : float azimuth of light source in degrees elev : float elevation angle of light source in degrees """ ax = plt.gca() ls = matplotlib.colors.LightSource(azdeg=az, altdeg=elev) self._hillshade = ls.hillshade(self._griddata, vert_exag=1, dx=self._georef_info.dx, dy=self._georef_info.dy) ax.imshow(self._hillshade, alpha=1, cmap='gray', origin='lower')